Witty World

Monday, September 8, 2014

An Industrial visit to Saras Dairy at WIS,Udaipur

An industrial visit was organized for the students of Grade X, Xl and Xll to Saras Dairy on 8th September 2014. It was a good learning experience for students to know about the various processes followed in a dairy industry from milk collection to distribution. Students learnt about vitality of processes, methods and mechanism of the dairy. They were also informed about the daily sales and marketing techniques. Student’s inquisition led to the basic questions on various stages of processing and quality control which were addressed by the SARAS Management.
The students had a good learning experience at the plant and they were quite interactive and enthusiastic while understanding the working of the dairy.
Overall it was an enlightening and enriching practical experience for the students which will guide them to prepare Project according to CBSE guidelines.



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