Witty World

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Odyssey Organised at WIS Pawan Baug

Odyssey Organised at WIS Pawan Baug

Witty International School, Pawan Baug, under the guidance and continuous support of the Principal, Mr Bijo Kurian is constantly developing and enhancing the skills of every child in the school. On 7th January, 2015, the school organised ‘Odyssey – An English Literary Sparks’ to enrich the English writing and speaking skills for the students of Grade 8th, 9th and AS Levels.
The event was made compulsory for all the students. The various competitions organised was Shakespearean Era, Personality Contest, Hoopia (Product Promotion) and Film Carnival. Also to enhance the writing and creative thinking of the students, a Diary Writing Competition was held.
The various competitions enabled the students to boost their aptitude and increase their interest and depth for the language. It brought about a confidence in their English speaking abilities. The Hoopia competition enabled the students to bring out the best of their creative and persuasive speaking skills of the language and using it as a means to advertise and promote a product. Wittians challenged themselves to give their best and combat fear to face an audience.
This competition allowed the students to connect with the audience and also understand the concepts of creative presentation. The highlight of the event was the Personality Contest wherein the students proved their potential and enhanced their personality through a display of their speaking skills and spontaneity.
Film Carnival competition highlighted the analytical skills of children wherein they had to comment and discuss the various film trailers showcased to them. It gave an insight to the children to world of English films.
The Principal, Mr Bijo Kurian truly remarked, “Odyssey – An English Literary Sparks is a day solely dedicated to the development of English language: a day to celebrate the wide range of expression and emotion it offers and a chance to plunge headlong into a heady mix of verve and versatility provided by English language.”



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