Witty World

Monday, April 9, 2018

Circle Day celebrated in Nursery at WIS, Udaipur

I am cindy circle
Watch me turn
I am not straight
And I don’t bend
Round and round
And round I go
My outside edges
Never end.
On 09th April, 2018, Monday, little toddlers of Nursery at Witty International School, Udaipur were introduced to the brand new world called shapes.
The first shape they saw was going round & round rolling all around, as it had no corners and no sides. The name of this shape is circle.
The class was decorated with different types of circular objects such as hoopla rings, smiley balls, football, basketball etc. and object cards such as watch, sun, coin, moon, pizza etc.
Children did art activity of making circle face with the help of paper plate and red and black paint.
Children also brought circular snacks in their tiffin box such as parantha, biscuit, Idli etc. and enjoyed eating them.
Thus with the help of decoration and snacks children enjoyed the introductory session of the shape CIRCLE.



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