Witty World

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Sensitutional Parent Teacher Meeting for Pre-Primary Section (18-19), Goregaon (East)

Sensitutional parent teacher meet

Sense stimulation is the best way of enhancing a learning experience and in the true spirit of providing hands-on learning experiences. A Sensitutional Parent Teacher meeting was organized on 28th July, 2018 at Witty World Goregaon (East) for the children and the accompanying parents.
Sensory play experiences focus on stimulating sense of sight, sound, smell, touch, taste, balance, and movement. Various objects and products were displayed with ample opportunity to touch, feel, taste, hear, and smell through various attractive displays.
Wittian’s experienced Day and Night, colourful objects, textured paths, different textured materials, sound materials like musical instruments and pre-recorded sounds were displayed for the sense of sight, touch and auditory respectively.
Different taste buds were introduced elaborating the sense of taste.
Children differentiated between foul smell and good smell by smelling items like perfumes, incense sticks and scented candles.
It was a new approach that overwhelmed the parents with in-depth knowledge and great opportunity to know what the child learns.



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