Children have a
natural curiosity about how the body works. Teaching about the five senses at
K.G. level is a prelude to how they function in tandem with the brain. Sense
organs play the role of receptors for our body to understand and adjust to our
environment. Children of Jr.KG and Sr. KG celebrated “Sense Booth Day” on
Monday, 7th July 2014.
Since children learn
best with visual aids and by doing things themselves, five stations were set
up, each focusing on one specific sense organ.
Children were all
exhilarated when they heard different sounds, looked forward to taste different
eatables and feel different textures. They enriched themselves by observing
different displays using their different senses. They saw a variety of visual
aids. Different aromas and odours pervading in the air made them aware of their
sense of smell.
This hands- on experience
was made easier than ever because each station was packed with props and
manipulatives that gave children an opportunity for
concrete learning of each sense organ. Children enjoyed this fun way of
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