Witty World

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

International Yoga Day Celebrated at WIS, Udaipur

“There is no wi-fi in nature but you will feel better connection through yoga.”
“ Yoga is all about quality of life.” Yoga is exploration of the very mechanics of life. It predates all religion and opens the possibilities of raising a human being beyond limitations set by nature, if willing to strive. Making the science of yoga available in the purest form is the responsibility of this generation. This is the science of inner development, well-being and liberation is the greatest gift for the future generations.

Keeping this in mind Wittians celebrated 1st International Yoga Day with great enthusiasm. The day kicked off with a massive yoga session under the guidance of our Yog Guru Vikas Singh. They were made aware that yoga helps a person to keep himself healthy and active. They practised various asanas in standing, sitting and lying position. Chanting of OM made the atmosphere soothing and spiritual which helped the students relax their body, mind and soul. The great effort was visible in the yoga session by students as they connected their soul with THE absolute soul. 



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