Witty World

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Playgroup celebrated Fruit Salad Day [2015 - 2016]

Healthy fruit day

Juicy fruits are good for me,
Eeya  eeya ho!!!
And so I eat them happily,
Eeya eeya ho!!

To inculcate the habit of eating  fruit  in children, a ”Heathy  fruit Salad” making  activity was conducted in the  Playgroup  class at  Witty World on 20th August, 2015. With the help of teachers, children made healthy fruit salad by, mixing different fruit such as apple, banana, watermelon, pineapple & pear. Teachers explained the importance of eating fruit to remain strong and healthy.

Children thoroughly enjoyed the wholesome sensorial experience of creating a colourful fruity delight, and learned its importance too!!!



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