Witty World

Monday, August 21, 2017

Independence Day Celebration at Witty International School, Pawan Baug (2017-18).

Spirit of Patriotism

To celebrate the existence of free India, Witty International School, Pawan Baug celebrated the Independence Day with zeal and fervor on the 15th of August 2017,wherein  Major Anita Sral, Indian Army and Squadron Leader Vivek Shirke, Indian Air Force unfurled the tricolor flag and all expressed the joy of freedom. While the Tricolor unfurled soaring high in the sky showering flowers on everyone gathered on the occasion, one could not stop imagining how extremely grateful they feel of all those great men who sacrificed their lives to win this freedom for our nation from enemy hands.  It was a befitting tribute to the defence forces.
The chief guest rightly said, “Our country which was under the foreign powers for centuries is now free and has a vision of becoming a super power because of the sacrifices of the martyrs and the army.” He also called the youth as the wealth and the hope of the nation who will lead the country and make it a great nation of the world.
After the national flag hoisting ceremony, the students proceeded towards the Sparkle auditorium where they were enthusiastically waiting to display their patriotic spirit and fervor. The programme commenced with a Welcome Speech by the School President, Soumil Arora depicting the Journey of India. Director, Dr. Raina Jain stated, “Independence of our nation is not what we feel, but what we make of it and most importantly, independence is not about rights, but our duties towards the nation.”  It’s our rich culture and tradition which emanates the effervescence of our love for our guests and that is what we Indians are known for. To present this we had the ‘Su-Swagatam’ dance.
The struggle for India’s Independence made some names immortal. The country has worshipped those leaders for years now and fondly remembers and thanks them every Independence Day. But unfortunately, the selfless sacrifice made by hundreds of others for the same cause went unsung, and as India got freedom they got confined to the dusty pages of history.  This poignant portrayal of the process of achieving Independence through the eyes of a common man was enacted by the students as the ‘Journey of Indian Independence’, an English skit and Hindi Natak ‘Bharat Mata ki Pukar’ where the audience was literally plunged into the lives of the heroic freedom fighters through a tableau of songs and dance.  
On the eve of Independence Day, a certain thought pops up in everyone’s mind: Indian women, are they really independent? As the dictionary says, the literal meaning of the word ‘independence’ is self-sufficiency, self-reliance, autonomy, freedom, liberty etc. Women folks, can they walk safe down the street at night without fear of being shouted at, followed, grabbed, or worse.  On the eve of Independence Day, the school pledged to fight against women suppression. In the words of Nelson Mandela, ‘Freedom cannot be achieved unless the women have been emancipated from all forms of oppression.’ The ‘Rise of the Phoenix – Women Empowerment’ dance highlighted the poignant truth of the ascend of our powerful women.
Wittians also put up a Kavi Sammelan where students entertained the audience with patriotic poems. Each poem had a beautiful message which led the students towards the problems prevailing in today’s India which the youth can work upon. Our youth through their colourful rhythmic medley of patriotic songs, ‘Mile Sur Mera Tumhara’ with a live orchestra gave the audience the feeling that this Nation belongs to them and they have a major role in building up a united India where peace and justice becomes every Indian Citizen’s birth right.
Time and again our nation is reminded of the evil forces trying to engulf everyone into the depths of despair, misery and merciless killings. Who can forget one such day where eradication of humanity took place in the form of terrorism? It has been 6 years since “26/11” happened, yet the memories surrounding the terror attacks continue to haunt every Mumbai resident.  The incident inducted all into the dark pages of history the city of dreams had attached with its name. Thus to pay homage to all those who died in the horrific attacks and especially those who laid their lives to save lives of millions others, our martyrs, a Mime act ‘26/11 – Remembering our Heroes’ was showcased.
Finally after such a patriotic devotional program, the audience braced themselves to witness the patriotic passion illuminating the auditorium with the zeal of love for the country, a feeling of never say never, a commitment to keep the spirit of freedom alive in the form ‘Nayee Soch’, a dance displaying India and its National Anthem which was followed by the vote of thanks by the Sports Captain, Deep Saraogi.
Principal, Bijo Kurian addressed the students in his speech, “One of the main aspirations after Independence was the need to carve out the Indian identity within the people of the country. We hope for an India which stands up to all those ideals that our forefathers had set it out to be and has pride in its identity, its multiple cultures and treasures the numerous languages that it has been ordained with. To enable this ‘Young India’ we all should take responsibility to take India to new glorious heights.”
The program truly was a commendable tribute to our Indian soldiers by the students of Witty International School.  Once again, the Wittians were deeply moved and touched remembering the great deeds and sacrifices made by our freedom fighters, national leaders and revolutionaries. 



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