Witty World

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Field Trip to Zonal Railway Training Institute at WIS, Udaipur

Take a bus, or take a car.
Take a boat, or take a plane.
Take a taxi, take a car,
Maybe near or may be far,
Take a rocket to the moon, But be sure to come back soon.
A field trip is an excellent way to move the classroom into the wider world. A field trip can be a fun and informative way to administer curriculum material. This field trip was a break from the usual school days offering the opportunity to interact with teachers in a slightly more relaxed manner.
In accordance to the theme of the month ‘Wheels and Wings’ Sr.KG children of Witty International School, Udaipur were taken for a field trip to Zonal Railway Training Institute. This field trip proved to be a fun, educational and life changing experience for children. It was an interactive session which provides a better understanding of what they have studied in theory so far.
This field trip helped the students to enhance their knowledge by gaining information regarding the working system of Railways and trains.Hence, this field trip was memorable and positive experience which the children can used to associate with the immediate environment.



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