Witty World

Monday, November 4, 2019

Show and Tell Activity at WIS, Udaipur

We go by  car
we go by plane
we go by boat,
we go by train
We go by land ,
and sea and air
We go go go
from here to there.

On Monday 4th November  Jr.KG and Sr.KG Kids at Witty International School, Udaipur enthusiastically participated in Show and Tell Activity based on the theme 'Wheels and wings'.

Little wittians brought toys/pictures of vehicles and confidently spoke a few lines about their favorite transport in their own words.
They were excited to share their descriptive narration and waited eagerly for their turn to show and tell. Being a center of attention for a couple of minutes made them feel special and important. These emotions will make them feel more confident and valued. Their joy got doubled on seeing different kinds of vehicle toys like a car, bus, train, cycle, bike, etc. They also sang rhymes related to transport like wheels on the bus go, row row row a boat, I have a little bicycle, etc.

Thus, this activity helped our wittians to develop their oral skills by building vocabulary and self-expression.



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