Witty World

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Birds of a Feather by Nursery at Witty World, Udaipur

‘To-day at dawn there twinkled through
The pearly mist a flash of blue
  So dazzling bright I thought the sky
  Shone through the rifted clouds on high,
 Till, by and by,
A note so honey-sweet I heard,
I knew that bright flash was a bird!’

 Pre-Primary Witty curriculum is always blossoming with new thoughts, ideas and innovative implementation of concepts. It uses dynamic teaching techniques to develop various skills among the tiny tots. To make the little Wittians of Nursery familiar with the theme of the month "Birds" an event “Birds of a feather” was organized on Friday, 13th December 2019.  A very exciting and enthusiastic day for the mothers as they followed the routine curriculum of their ward. Children were involved in sponge dabbing activity on bird cutouts and they also made head gears for their mothers. Tiffin time was adventurous enough as the tiny chefs enjoyed the experience of making sprouted moong bhel.  The little Birdie dancers captured the gaze of their proud mothers as they performed immaculately. The wonderful event ended up with ramp walk where all the mothers were involved with their little ones for a Birdie dance. Overall it was a fun-filled activity which brought smile on everyone’s face.



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