Witty World

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

''Sink and Float" Activity of Jr.KG at WIS, Udaipur

Rocks in a river. 
Ice in a drink.
Some things float.
Some things sink.

On January 13, 2020, our little Wittians of Jr.KG at Witty International School, Udaipur experimented " Sink and Float" Activity. They brought along heavy and light objects such as pebbles, feathers, ball, etc for the activity. Each child was given a turn to place an object into the water to determine whether it will Sink or Float. There seems a natural curiosity for kids to add things to water. A sink and float experiment with nature is always lots of fun and a great way to teach them about predicting and testing ideas. It’s also a delight watching their faces react to the surprise of the expected and unexpected. It was a great learning experience for little Wittians.



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