Witty World

Monday, December 14, 2015

Movie time with the young Wttians and their Buddies WIS,Malad [2015-16]

Movie time with the young Wttians and their Buddies

There's More to Christmas... 
There's more, much more to Christmas 
Than candle-light and cheer; 
It's the spirit of sweet friendship 
That brightens all the year; 
It's thoughtfulness and kindness, 
It's hope reborn again, 
For peace, for understanding 
And for goodwill to men!

December is a magical month, with the cold winds, comes a nice warm joyful feeling, especially when Christmas is just around the around the corner. So to celebrate this magical month Witty world hosted an event for Jr. and Sr. KG on Saturday, 12th December 2015 to celebrate the magical relationship - Friendship.

 On Buddy Saturday, our young Wittians were told to get any one of their friends who is a non – Wittian, for a special movie show.

What better way than a movie, to hang out with your best buddy! Kids had a gala time with their best buddies, showing off their school, watching a Christmas movie and sharing popcorn. It was a great event and even more so, were the smiles that they took home!!!.



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