Witty World

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Makar Sankranti Celebration by Pre-primary Section at Witty World, Chikoowadi (2019-20)

Flip-Flap! Flip-Flap!
Rises my kite
Up and up in the sky
Blue and bright
Flip-Flap! Flip-Flap!
Goes my kite
Sometimes to my left,
And sometimes to my right
Flip-Flap! Flip-Flap!
Flies my kite,
High and high above,
Touching the skies!

Makar Sankranti is one of the most famous festivals of Hindus. It is celebrated in all the parts of India in various cultural forms. It is a harvest festival that falls in the month of Paush. On Tuesday, 14th January 2020, was indeed an exciting day in school, where Pre-primary children of Witty World celebrated the festival of Makarsankranti. Wittians enjoyed colour dabbing on kite cutout, making kites and coloring it. They got to taste the sweet, traditionally eaten in this festive season, “revdi“ it was indeed a festive mood that prevailed in the school through the day!!  



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