Witty World

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Show and Tell activity by Sr. KG Section (2019-20), Witty World, Bangur Nagar

Take a bus,
Or take a train,
Take a boat,
Or take airplane
Take a cab,
Or take a car
Maybe near or maybe far.
Take a rocket to the moon
But be sure to come back soon.

As a recap activity for theme of the month ‘Wheels and Wings’ the children of Sr.KG section were asked to bring their favorite Transport toy on Tuesday, 22nd October 2019 as a part of “Show and tell” activity.

Children confidently described the features of their favorite transport toy and sang rhymes for the same. They were excited to share their descriptive narration and waited eagerly for their turn to show and tell. Being a center of attention for a couple of minutes made them feel special and important. Show and tell is a fun and interesting way to develop a child’s listening and speaking skills. Thus, this event helped our wittians to build their social, emotional and language skills.



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