Witty World

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Healthy Salad Day PG (2011-2012)

Healthy Salad Day
On 3rdFebruary 2012, we had a Healthy Salad Day for the Playgroup section, where children made a salad, which made the cooking activity more interesting. Children were asked to bring the ingredients required for the salad.
Tomatoes are red, beans are green,
Carrots are yummy, Corns are sweet,
 Sprouts are best,
Potatoes are brown, onions are pink,
And when all these are mixed together..
We become strong!
Vegetables makes us healthy and wise.
All the ingredients were mixed in a bowl and then the Healthy Salad was ready and served to each child. At the same time they were encouraged and told to have healthy food to become strong.
This just created a magic and surprisingly kids loved it and enjoyed a lot.
It was amazing that children learnt to have healthy food in a playful way what can be better than this.



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