Witty World

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Gymnastics and Mallakhamb Workshop at Witty World, Chikoowadi (2019-20)

Jump off the beam,
Flip off the bars,
Follow your dreams and reach for the stars.

Gymnastics is a sport that includes exercises requiring balance, strength, flexibility, agility, coordination and endurance. Witty World, Chikoowadi, conducted a workshop on “Gymnastics and Mallakhamb” for the preschool students. Mr. Deepak Shinde, World Champion who is an expert in this field was invited to enthuse students about this sport.

'Everyone Has A Story To Tell' - Storytelling Workshop Conducted for Grade IV - VI at Witty Kids Chikoowadi (19-20)

“A good story can imbibe the right values in the most impressionable age.”
Story telling is one of the most effective ways to communicate with students. A story stays with the children much longer than facts or statistics as it is not a seemingly endless download of information but a never-ending journey of learning and understanding of the world around us. A wise man once said, “After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.”
To foster the skills of listening and to incite curiosity and the love for reading in students, a story telling workshop by Ms Katie Bagli, a renowned and popular story teller was organised for the students of grades IV- VI, on 28th June, 2019.
Students were introduced to mysterious and lovable creatures and how to live in harmony with nature. Excerpts from one of her books were read with creative gestures and facial expressions which kept the students interested and engrossed in the story. The unique warmth in the way she narrated the stories drew the students into her stories leaving them spellbound and asking for more.
The session was indeed valuable and distinct, which was thoroughly enjoyed by the children.

Sense Booth Activity By Jr.KG Section (2019-20), Witty World, Bangur Nagar

My eyes can see the bright sun.
My nose can smell hot cinnamon buns.
My ears can hear the big loud drum.
My tongue can taste good things yum. Yum!
My hands can feel the sand. What fun!
I like my senses, every one!

We experience life through our five senses!  With an objective of introducing different senses and sense organs, "Sense Booth " was organized for our little Wittians of Junior KG , Witty World, Bangur Nagar on Friday June 28’ 2019. Teachers arranged five different sense areas to help children understand the function and importance of each organ and related sense in an amusing and innovative way.
       Visuals aids such as different coloured glasses, binoculars, torch were used in the "sight or visual booth" . Children differentiated between foul smell and good smell by smelling items like perfume, spices, flowers, garlic in the “smell or olfactory booth "  Children enjoyed walking through and touching different textures in the " tactile booth "  Tasting salty, sweet, sour and bitter eatables in the " gustatory booth"  was a thrilling part of the activity for kids. Listening and identifying different types of sound in the " auditory booth " was a fun-filled moment for them.

     It was indeed a “Sensational” experience for our little Wittians.

Sense Booth by Jr.KG Section at Witty World, Chikoowadi (2019-20)

5 Senses, 5 senses,
We have them
Seeing, Hearing, Touching
Tasting and Smelling
The little Wittians of Junior KG at Witty World Chikoowadi, did the recap of 5 senses on 28th June 2019, through “SENSETUTION” corners set up in different areas. All these areas focused on providing sensory experiences to all the children in a fun way. Sensory play focus on stimulating children’s sense of sight, sound, smell, touch and taste.
At Witty World, children were provided with an opportunity to touch, feel, taste, hear, and smell through various activity corners set in different “Sense Booths”. There was display of various food items for kids to taste like honey, sugar water, salty water etc. In the Sense Booth for Sight, there were binoculars, camera, optical instruments as well as things that we see during day and night which children could relate to. In the Sense Booth for Hearing, there were various items kept for focussing on sound like Jaltarang, ghungaroo which exhibited different sounds and also children were given many musical instruments like drum, guitar and trumpets to play and experiment with.  Children were also made to walk on different textures like sand, water, cotton and so on.  Children experienced different textures and had hands on experience to feel various different textures like rough, smooth, hard etc. Different aromas attracted children in the Sense Booth meant for Smell, where they also got to experience pungent smell along with pleasant and unpleasant odours. Children were very excited when they heard different sounds, tasted different edible food items and felt different textures. They saw a variety of visual aids. Different aromas and odours pervading in the air made them aware of their sense of smell. Thus the recapitulation of all 5 senses was done in a unique way at Witty World.

 All children definitely had a “sensational” experience!!!


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