Witty World

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

"Art Appreciation Day" WIS Bhilwara 13.08.2013

When they were little, they scribbled-

As for the colours, they didn't care
Their fists held tight around the crayons;
Circles and lines were everywhere.
Time and effort glue each piece,
No reason, nor thought of waste
Cautiously, the work evolves;
Little fingers stuck with glitter paste
And for a moment, time stands still!
Sweet child creating what we hold dear-
A pure and priceless work of art,
For which we know we will never part.

Today International Art Appreciation Day was celebrated in the school. Mr. Suni Somani, a well-known artist, was invited to school to conduct a workshop on poster making. He told students some basic tips to make a poster. He told that art helps to express one’s creative ideas, to develop language skills. He also threw light on various career options available in the field of art.



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