Witty World

Monday, August 12, 2013

Wittians experienced 'Quit India' movement at WIS, Udaipur

'Quit India' was the war cry for the Indians on the eight day of August in the year 1942!  Quit India movement was Gandhiji's final bid to secure India's independence. Glorious leaders like Vallabhbhai Patel, Jawaharlal Nehru and Abul Kalam Azad were actively involved in Quit India movement. Although many diverse political ideologies crowded the scenario of Indian National movement at that time, yet it was the Satyagraha adopted by Mahatma Gandhi that finally had the most telling effect in challenging the British authorities. India was at the very threshold of Independence by the end of Quit India movement.
Today our students role played the entire scenario of the Quit India movement, with banners raised "Simon go back"! Simon Go Back". They walked with determination all over the school campus raising slogans like, "Quit India!"  "This is our country"! This filled us with inspiration to cooperate with each other and make our country a wonderful example for the entire world. We will have to be determined like the founding fathers of our country if we wish do to transcend negative energy prevailing and do something tangible and positive for our country. Jai Hind! 



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