Witty World

Monday, August 4, 2014

Triangle Day Celebrated in PG (2014-15) at Witty World

Triangles triangles  triangles I can see,
Count the points and count the sides,
Count them .......1, 2, 3.
On Monday, 4th August, 2014 Playgroup section celebrated ‘Triangle day’.
The class was decorated with triangle shaped objects. Teacher introduced the triangle shape with the help of a story, where three standing lines were very sad because they were good friends but could not be together.So, Mr. Square and Mr. Circle helped the three standing lines to form a new shape. They said ,one standing line could lie down on the floor, and the other two standing lines could  join from either side and meet at the top.VIOLA!! A new shape was created ....called triangle!
Parents had sent triangle shaped snacks in the children’s tiffins....which was another source of excitement in an already magical day of learning!!



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