Witty World

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Introduction of Pineapple (Playgroup) WIS, Bhilwara 10.09.2014

Pineapple is a fruit which is brown from outside and yellowish from inside. They don't grow in bunches. Pineapples grow on trees and have a rough pokey skin. The tiny tots of Playgroup were introduced to pineapple with interesting activities. The kids saw the real fruit pineapple and they tasted it. The toddlers learnt that we cannot eat the skin of pineapple. The skin is cut and thrown away. It has a soft seed which can be eaten. The kids also learnt that they can make pineapple juice, pineapple cake and pineapple jam from the fruit. The kids stick the sand paper within the outline of pineapple. Through this, kids could recognize the fruit pineapple.



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