Witty World

Friday, October 17, 2014

Diwali Party Celebration (2014-15) at Witty World

Witty World celebrated Diwali in a very unique and fun manner. The school was decorated with colorful lanterns, the walls adorned with  glittering diyas and festoons all made by the children. There  was a festive feel in the air, as teachers  eagerly welcomed  the children who had come dressed  in their party best!! And what a party it was!!!
The ECCED trainee teachers at Witty World put up an exciting puppet show, where children met little Red Riding Hood and her animal friends, and heard their version of how the noisy and dangerous crackers affected them during Diwali, and how it adversely affects the environment. At the end of the show, children took an oath to celebrate Diwali  and have fun without causing harm to nature. It was Edutainment at it’s best!!
No party is complete without music and dance, and so the Auditorium at Witty World  was witness to joyful singing and dancing by the children.
Here’s Wishing  all our little one’s a happy and safe Diwali!!



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