Witty World

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Secondary Section - Health is Wealth (2015-16) WIS, Malad.

Annual Theme – ‘Health is Wealth’

The Annual Theme for the academic year being ‘Health is Wealth’, we reopened on 18th June 2015 with display of Healthy living, Balanced diet, Importance of being healthy and various topics on health.
During Enrichment Hour, information was given pertaining to health and health hazards. Homemade remedies were discussed by the students which can be helpful during an emergency at home.
Students came up with slogans and articles about healthy living and balanced diet. Slogans like ‘SAY NO TO JUNK FOOD’ ‘GO GREEN STAY HEALTHY’ etc were displayed.

Students made resolutions to keep themselves away from junk food. Healthy chat’s (recipe) were prepared by Grade VII D shared by all during break time.  Further more to come, will be many activities related to the same. 



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