Witty World

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Poem Enactment "Five Little Monkeys" by Nursery Section at WIS, MALAD (2016-2017)

5 little Monkeys jumping on the bed,
1 fell down and broke his head, 
Mamma called the doctor,
Doctor said “No more monkeys jumping on the bed”.
Poem enactments are a great way for children to express themselves which also helps in learning the rhyme.
Little Wittians of Nursery section enacted on the rhyme “Five Little Monkeys” on Tuesday, 27th September 2016. Parent’s efforts were displayed as some children came dressed in the character as Monkeys, Mamma and a Doctor. They looked adorable in the various characters. Not only that, but it is also a fun way to learn numbers upto 5; and the children had a great fun learning this rhyme in an interactive way. Children happily sang and enacted the rhyme 5 little monkeys.



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