B L U E spells blue
B L U E spells blue
Hi-ho, did you know,
B L U E spells blue
The big sky is blue
The ocean is, too
Hi-ho, did you know,
B L U E spells blue.
B L U E spells blue
Hi-ho, did you know,
B L U E spells blue
The big sky is blue
The ocean is, too
Hi-ho, did you know,
B L U E spells blue.
The children of Junior K.G. class celebrated “Blue day” on 4th August, 2017. Little Wittians of Witty
World were clad in blue dresses with matching blue shoes, socks & ribbons. Blue color is associated with calmness,
strength, friendship and serenity. Classrooms were decorated with blue color
objects. Children excitedly participated in the
activity of coloring the beach scene blue. Children were overjoyed and
thrilled to see the different shades of blue. They had good time in school
celebrating blue, the tranquil color.
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