Witty World

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Green Day Celebrated at WIS, Udaipur

There’s a color we all know GREEN
The grass is green and lettuce is green,
There’s a color we all know GREEN
On Tuesday 8th August, 2017, little Wittians of Jr.KG of Witty International School, Udaipur, took a step ahead to learn about green color in the color week.
The world is not possible without green color. Green, the color of trees, the color of greenery, and the color of prosperity was explored by the children. They were told about the presence of green color in plants, traffic signal, in our tri-color flag and so on.
The class was decorated with green color. Teacher and students both came dressed in green color attire.
Children were told about magic of creating green color by mixing yellow and blue. They enjoyed doing stencil painting in the scrapbook and watching their surroundings. One more lovely day passed with the introduction of green color – color of our Flag.



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