Witty World

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Orange Day Celebration of Nursery Evening Section at Witty World, Chikoowadi (2017-18)

I love orange….. I love all the orange things around me… the orange fruit that tastes so yumm.. The orange crayons I color with and the sun that shines so bright and orange.
                            Sing, Sing, Sing! Orange is the thing,
                            Smiles and laughter fill the air around the campfire ring,
                            Sing, Sing, Sing! Orange is the thing,
                            Makes the world around us bright so sing, sing, sing!

The little Wittians of Nursery came dressed in orange coloured clothes, brought their orange coloured toys to play with on 9th  August, 2017, Wednesday. They enjoyed the Orange Day with fun filled activities and had an energizing day just like the colour that they represented.



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