Witty World

Monday, October 30, 2017

Field Trip to Car Showroom by Playgroup Section (2017-18) at Witty World, Bangur Nagar

Little cars are zooming by zooming by,
Zooming by Zooming by,
Little Zooming by Zooming by,
Zip Zap Zoom.

A field trip for the children of Playgroup was conducted on Thursday, i.e. 12th October 2017. Children were taken to Tata Motors Car showroom located in Malad. As is known to all, WIS always believes in"Discovery with Action".

The staff of Tata Motors Car showroom warmly welcomed our children and made them comfortable.Practical learning has a very strong impact on children as the concept is imbibed within their minds. Children enjoyed the trip, and were very happy to see so many different color cars all under the same roof.  It was a complete hands on experience and an extension to classroom learning. 



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