Juicy fruits are
good for me,
Eeya eeya
And so I eat them
Eeya eeya ho!!
Fruit salad is a
wonderful treat, fruit is sweet and fun to eat, fruit salad is great in any
weather, make a bowl to eat together!!!
The theme for the month being “Fruits”
a “Fruit Salad Day” was organized for our little Wittians of playgroup class on
Monday, 27th August, 2018. Children brought a variety of fruits in
their tiffin. With the help of teachers, children made a healthy fruit
salad by mixing different fruit such as apple, banana, watermelon, pineapple
& pear. Teachers explained the importance of eating fruit to remain strong
and healthy.
Children thoroughly enjoyed the wholesome
sensorial experience of creating a colourful fruity delight, and relishing it!!