Witty World

Monday, August 13, 2018

Orange Day Celebration by Nursery Section (2018-19), Witty Kids Pawan Baug

Orange is for a fruit,
                        Colour of baby’s swimsuit,
                        It’s a cousin to yellow and gold,
                        It makes a statement bold.
                        It stands for hope and vitality,
Cheer and also energy.

Orange colour forms the first band of our national flag,and orange is the blend of red and yellow colour. The red in it symbolizes warmth and energy and the yellow is a colour of friendship.
On 3rd of August 2018 our little wittians of Jr. K.G. section celebrated “Orange Day” with the spirit of friendship. It was an indeed pleasure to witness little ones dressed up in orange, bubbling with energy and fascination. A dynamic and stimulating environment was created to help children explore their imagination. They also made friendship day cards for their friends. In all, it was fantastic day.



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