Witty World

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Field Trip to Big bazaar and bakery shop(WIS, Udaipur)

Field Trip - Big bazaar and bakery shop
Someday soon when I grow up,
I’ll have a job to do.
I’ll write a book or be a cook,
Or work inside a zoo.
I might want to fight a fire,
Or be a doctor too.
I’ll build a house or sew a blouse,
Or sail the ocean blue.
So many jobs that I might choose,
I wonder what I’ll be?
I’ll work and learn,
Untill its my turn.
To find the right jobs for me.

Community helpers are people that directly impact the lives of others. They deliver a service that makes our life easier. It is important for all of us to know the ways in which community helpers work. We can also help them to do their jobs better if we understand the role they play.
Teaching Sr.KG students about community helpers is an important unit so a field trip for the same was planned.
 On Tuesday, 25th September, 2018  Wittians of Sr. KG were taken to Big Bazaar and Bakery shop to enhance their knowledge about different community helpers and to see them in action. Kids were also curious about their surroundings. They were in awe with almost everything and everybody they saw around them. This was really an interactive session in which kids confidently inquired about their roles and were proud to get answers from baker, grocer, attendants and other community helpers.
This was the perfect time for us to integrate our young minds into their environment by exposing them to the community around them.



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