Witty World

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Field Trip to Bike Showroom by Nursery Section at Witty World Bangur Nagar (2018-2019)

There is a blue bike on the road,
tra la lalala
We Children like to ride on it.
There is a red bike on the road,
Tra la lalala
                                                        We children like to ride on it,
Ha hahahaha.

On 5th December, 2018 children of Witty World Nursery section visited ‘Royal Enfield’ bike showroom.  Children had a wonderful experience, on the field –trip  to the Bike Showroom which was an activity for the theme of the month, ‘transport’. All  the  children  were  very  excited to  see  the different  models  of  bikes. Teacher also discussed the road safety-rules. It was an exciting trip, and of course experiential learning at its best. 



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