Witty World

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Introduction to Octagon Shape by Nursery Section at Witty World, Chikoowadi (2018-19)

Olly octagon is my name 
The shape of a stop sign is the same.
My eight sides are fun to count
How about you try it out!

After hexagon shape, nursery children @ Witty World were introduced to a new shape...Octagon.

On Monday, 3rd December 2018, teachers introduced the shape octagon, with the help of a story and octagon shape cutouts and objects that children had brought from their home. Children enjoyed colouring the 'Olly Octagon' worksheet'. Children also recognized Octagon shape snacks that they had got in their tiffin and enjoyed eating the same.

What a creative way of being introduced to a new shape!!



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