Reach up I touch the Sun,
Bend down I kiss the Earth,
Look up I see the Bluebirds fly,
Jump back I watch the ants go by,
Face up I smell the air,
Press back without care,
I love the Sun,
We are all one,
I am the light,
That shines so bright,
Get ready to GO!
Jump up I lift my Heart,
Bend down just like the start,
Reach up I touch the Sun,
Namaste we are all done.
“International Yoga Day” was celebrated
at Witty
World Goregoan East on 21st June 2019 with the children of the
pre-primary sections with great enthusiasm. Demonstration of various aasanas. Children started the
day with warm up exercises and performed sitting and standing asanas,
importance of these were explained simultaneously. Children had a lot of fun, while performing the alphabet yoga
postures like straight lines, curves and circles - with their arms and body,
sitting or standing.
the day ended with meditation. Teacher encouraged children to practice regular yoga to remain fit and to improve their
concentration. A special thank you to Dr. Purvi Mehta for lending her precious
time to inculcate good health through Yoga in our little Wittians.

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