Witty World

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Yellow Day Celebration with Jr KG Children at Witty World, Chikoowadi (2019-20)

Yellow Yellow Yellow sun 
smiling down at everyone 
up above the world so high 
like a fireball in the sky

Recognizing the colours and identifying the colour names is an important part of a child’s development. Early identification of colours helps to create the cognitive link between visual clues and words.
Yellow is the most luminous of all the colours of the spectrum. It's the colour that captures out attention more than any other colour.  With an object to recapitulate and reinforce the effects of yellow colour, the little wittians of Jr. KG, Witty World Chikoowadi, celebrated “The Yellow Colour Day” on Monday, July 1, 2019.

Children and teachers came dressed in different hues and tints of yellow. The class was decorated with yellow colour objects like yellow coloured sun, yellow coloured flowers, yellow coloured splashes etc. Children also brought yellow coloured objects from home.  Children made a yellow colour magnifying glass using gelatin paper to emphasize the colour. Teacher allured the children with a story on ‘Yankee the yellow duck’. The motive of celebrating the yellow colour day was to make the children aware of yellow colour and its significance.
The day was celebrated in a vibrant and high spirited environment and our little Wittians spent the day with utmost enjoyment.



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