Witty World

Friday, August 2, 2019

Introduction to Triangle Shape by Nursery Section at Witty World, Bangur Nagar (2019-2020)

Here’s a triangle
 Here’s a triangle.
How can you tell?
How can you tell?
It has three corners.
It has three sides,
It’s a triangle.
It’s a triangle.

The Little Wittians of Nursery section were introduced to Triangle shape on Thursday, 1st August, 2019 in a very interesting way.  The classroom was decorated with Triangle shape cut-outs. Teacher introduced triangle shape with the help of a story and by showing the flash cards. Later, it was followed by a group activity. Teacher discussed about the triangle shape snacks brought by the children in their tiffin.   Children in a group of three were made to lie down on the floor to form triangle shape . Children also walked on triangle shape outline. Thus, at the end of the day children enjoyed and learnt triangle shape in a different way.



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