There is a very
true saying ‘To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not
be able to keep our mind strong and clear’. It’s very
important to take care of our health and for this, regular health check-ups are a must.
To serve this purpose, we at Witty World, Goregaon East organized a Medical
check-up on Wednesday, 7th August, 2019 for the students of Jr. KG
& Sr.KG sections. Through a thorough medical check-up.
A comprehensive medical check-up was conducted, by
Dr. Nirmal Jain who carefully checked each and every child of the Jr.KG and Sr.
KG sections.
The children were highlighted about the healthy
eating habits and cleanliness. On completion of the check-up, children were
given medical certificates and height charts. It was indeed a healthy session
for our little Wittians. Till next time, “Stay Happy, Stay Healthy our little Wittians!".

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