Witty World

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Introduction to Square Shape by Playgroup Section at Witty World Bangur Nagar (2019-2020)

A square is like a box
It has four sides
They’re all the same
Turn me around
I don’t care
I am always the same
A square is like a box.

On Tuesday, 10th December, 2019, Playgroup section celebrated ‘Square Day’. Teacher introduced the square shape with the help of a story, featuring 'Square Head George', who had a square head, and a square body with square eyes, square hands and square feet. He lived in a square house which had a square door and square windows.

To further re-inforce the concept, children were encouraged to walk on a square shape outline on the floor, and they brought square shaped snacks from home in their tiffin. To make Square shape Day more interactive. Tiffin time was followed by a rhyme on the Square shape. 

It was indeed a Square Day!! 



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