Witty World

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Mesmerizing Magic of 3D – Art Webinar by Secondary Section at WIS, Pawan Baug (2020-21)

The COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown forced schools to shut operations and has severely impacted the artistic community. Yet the spirit of Witty International School, Pawan Baug, Malad (West) remains stronger than ever. For this very reason, a 3D Art Webinar, considered a ‘gold mine’ of new knowledge for school-aged students, was conducted to open its students’ minds.

Mr. Sushant Panchal, an art educator created many ideas in his brainstorming session, and adopted a hands-on approach in sketching, colouring, trying out concepts and ideas. This art can be related to ‘milestones’ for the students to indicate that children are developing the necessary motor skills for further studies. Besides the copious cognitive and health benefits, this art form allows them to express themselves creatively, enhance their digital education, and prepare them for many opportunities that await them. Indeed it was unbelievable to see the compatible, distinctive, vivid, stimulating hues; the horizontal, unvarying, smooth, contrasting compositions; differently created by students, which could make every looker feel that these creative souls have dipped their brushes into their soul and painted their nature into their pictures.

Mr. Bijo Kurian, the Principal and the guiding force of Witty International School, Pawan Baug quoted, “For many people, art is meant to express something that we feel unable to express or convey. Through its visual medium, it evokes feelings of joy, sadness, anger, and pain. That is why art appreciation is so important in bringing that one final element to complete the work.”



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