Witty World

Friday, July 25, 2014

The Right Smile, WIS Pawan Baug [2014-2015]

Good oral hygiene is important for maintaining overall health. The presence of oral problems is usually the first warning signs of some of general health issues.
By treating conditions early and learning how to prevent oral health issues, one  can achieve better overall health and ultimately better the quality of one`s life.
Considering these aspects Witty International School (Pawan Baug) conducts annual dental check-up sessions for the students. This year the dental check up was conducted on the 25th of July 2014 by Dr Mahendra Agarwal for students of Grade 8, IGCSE I, IGCSE II, 'AS' and 'A' levels.
Surely this session has helped the Wittians get their smile right.



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