Witty World

Friday, April 13, 2018

Day 9 - Eumind

Cultural Bonanza
Holland celebrates Outdoor teaching day today. Keeping the theme in mind the Wittians experienced a novel way of outdoor learning. The Wittians were thrown a challenge of constructing a pyramid using 16 inch bamboo sticks and elastic bands to tie them together. The students divided themselves into three groups. All the groups took on the challenge with gusto and vigour. They initially struggled to put their ideas together and found it difficult to execute their plans. But with perseverance, tenacity and teamwork each of the three groups managed to construct their pyramid, although of varying sizes.   
Then they were instructed to dismantle their pyramids and collect all the bamboo sticks and elastic bands. This the Wittians did with great diligence and discipline. After this activity the Wittians played soccer for half and hour after which they headed to a classroom for a practice of songs for the Cultural event to be held in the evening. The songs included two hindi songs and one carol.
After this they then headed to the main auditorium to practice the dance with their Dutch counter parts. The practice session was energetic and enthusiastic. The Dutch students were mesmerized by the steps and the moves. The songs were a medley of Rajasthani folk songs and Bollywood numbers.
At the end of the practice the students departed for a 3 hour break to assemble again at 6 p.m for a cultural event and buffet.
The cultural event organized by the Dutch students showcased glitter and glamour portraying Bollywood extravaganza. The Indian teachers were formally introduced by their Dutch colleagues. The colourful costumes of the Wittians paved the way for the Dutch parents to witness a beautiful cinematic approach to the evening.
As the evening progressed the Dutch students also joined in the Bonanza and performed along with the Wittians creating a beautiful amalgamation of the two rich cultures.
The Dutch parents had organized a buffet for their guests and warmly invited the guests for dinner. The day ended with lots of memories and happiness.



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