Witty World

Friday, August 30, 2019

Humpty Dumpty visited the Nursery section at WIS, Udaipur

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,
All the kings’ horses and all the kings’ men,
Could not put Humpty Dumpty together again.

Rhyme enactment is an emotive way of learning, wherein children the   various emotions by dressing up as certain characters of a rhyme.

Humpty Dumpty visited the Nursery section at Witty International School, Udaipur on Friday, 30th August 2019. Little Wittians enjoyed dramatization of the rhyme “Humpty Dumpty”. Designated children came dressed as Humpty Dumpty, the King, Horses and the King’s men. Teachers displayed the flash cards depicting various parts of the rhyme. Children did group activity of Humpty Dumpty mobile by sticking torn yellow colour crepe paper on the cutout and stuffed it with crumpled newspaper. They also learnt sound of the letter  ‘H’ through the words Humpty and Horse.
Little toddlers had fun enacting the rhyme which they have been listening since long.



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