Witty World

Friday, October 18, 2019

Field Trip to Bike Showroom by Nursery Section @ Witty World, Chikoowadi (2019-20)

There is blue bike on the road,
tra la lalala
We Children like to ride on it.
Ha hahaha...
There is a red bike on the road,
Tra la lalala
We children like to ride on it,
Ha hahahaha.
Field trips are a valuable learning experience for young children. The theme for the month being "TRANSPORT", children of Nursery Section were taken to VENETIAN HONDA SHOWROOM, a multi storey Bike Showroom on Tuesday and Wednesday i.e.  15th and 16th of October, 2019. Children were shown two wheeler transportation - Scooters and Bikes of different kinds and were explained their basic features.  Children were very inquisitive to learn new things and asked various questions related to it. It was an informative session and children learnt many things through practically visiting the Showroom.



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