Saturday, January 30, 2016
Field Trip to Hamleys Toy Store by Playgroup ( 2015-16) - Witty World
Friday, 29th January 2016…..As a
celebration of the “wonder years of childhood”, and as an extension
of their theme for the month, TRADITIONAL TALES, Play Group children at Witty World
Bangur Nagar were taken for a field-trip to HAMLEYS toy store .
Needless to say, children came with zest were excited, and had
great fun. The staff at Hamleys were in high spirits and went out of their way
to demonstrate various toys to the children. They allowed them to explore every
nook and corner of this wonderland !!
The children and teachers, will definitely relish the memory of
this trip for a long time to come.

Friday, January 29, 2016
Field trip to Hamleys Toy Store Playgroup Section WIS,Malad [2015-16]
Field trip to ‘Hamleys Toy Store’
Only kids have so many toys,
Lots to play with for girls and boys.
Having a bike would be so cool,
And pretend I’m going to school.
Field trip to ‘Hamleys Toy Store’ was conducted
for playgroup children of Witty Kids on Friday, 29th January 2016.
Children were given a warm welcome by the store staff. It was a fantasy world
which came alive for our little Wittians. Children were fascinated looking at
all their favourite story character toys. The store staff had arranged for
activities like Musical mat and bubble making. It was a fun filled trip for
children and teachers, and we all had a gala time at the store. A big Thank-You
to the store team for making it a memorable trip.

Thursday, January 28, 2016
Rhyme Enactment by Nursery section at Witty World
Rub-a-dab dub three men in a tub
and who do you think they be?
The butcher, the baker,
the candle stick maker,
turn them out, Knaves all three.
Enacting rhymes
has a positive influence on children. It helps in the development of
imagination, and, as we all know, dramatization is a great tool for learning.
At Witty World, our little ones in the nursery class enjoyed enacting the
popular rhyme, RUB-A-DUB 3 men in the tub. The children of Nursery section were
dressed as a butcher, a baker and a candlestick maker, who brought the poem alive for the entire class as they
animatedly recited the poem. Children enjoyed the experience of
singing the rhyme with the three men.

Fancy Dress Marine Life Nursery Witty Kids, Shastri Nagar, Bhilwara 28/01/2016
Little sea creature
I wish I were like you
I wish I could swim like you.
The little sparkling stars of Nursery,Witty Kids, Shastri Nagar, Bhilwara celebrated Fancy Dress on Thursday , January 28 ' 2016.Children were thrilled to see the portico decorated as ocean scene with blue water and various marine creatures . Kids came dressed as their favourite marine creature like Star fish, Golden Fish, Jelly Fish, Sea Horse, Frog, Turtle , Crocodile and they acted like them .The children could identify the marine creatures done for the past few days and enjoyed the activity.It was a fun learning experience for the kids.

Fancy Dress (Nursery) on 28.01.2016, WIS, Bhilwara
The sparkling stars of Nursery WIS celebrated Fancy Dress with great zeal and excitement. The kids came dressed up as different marine creatures like turtle, jelly fish, starfish, octopus, crocodile, etc. Portico was decorated as an ocean with blue colour balloons and clothes. The
kids excitedly came on mike and spoke according to the creature they were dressed. Through this
activity, kids did the recap of marine creatureS. This was a fun learning
experience for them.

Story Enactment Day by Playgroup at Witty World
Wednesday, 27 January 2016, "Story Enactment Day" was organised for
the children of Playgroup section at Witty World
Stories fascinate children the most. Narration and enactment of stories
have a positive influence on children. It helps in the development of
imagination and is a great learning
tool, as it allows children to get into the skin of a character.
Children of Playgroup came dressed
as the characters of their favourite story The Ginger Bread Man & The Lady Who
Swallowed a fly. They enjoyed narrating the story and depicting the same, while
the rest of the class thoroughly enjoyed watching the story come alive in front
of their eyes!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Story Enactment Day PG Section WIS,Malad [2015-16]
Story Enactment
Wittians of Playgroup section at Witty Kids had ‘Story Enactment Day’ on Wednesday, 27 January 2016. Children enacted on the stories of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and ‘The
Lady Who Swallowed a Fly’. They came dressed as different characters in
the stories, and enthusiastically participated in the story enactment. Children
got into their characters and explored various expressions and emotions through
these familiar fairy tales.

Rhyme Enactment Rub - A -Dub- Dub Nur Section WIS,Malad [2015-16]
Rhyme Enactment Day
Enactments are always a lot of fun;
it also provides an opportunity for dramatizing, emoting and empathizing.
Children in the nursery class at
Witty Kids had great fun enacting on the rhyme RUB –A –DUB – DUB on Wednesday, 27 January 2016. Children came dressed as designated characters such as a butcher, a
baker and a candle stick maker in the rhyme. The class came alive as our little
Wittians animatedly recited the poem.

Republic Day Celebration Pre Primary Section WIS,Malad [2015-16]
Republic Day Celebration
It is important to be aware of one’s National History. At Witty Kids we
make sure that even in today’s modern world we still give importance to our
country’s history. So the children of Pre-Primary section celebrated India’s
‘66th Republic Day’
on Monday, 25th January 2016.
Children of Playgroup & Jr.KG classes came dressed in tri-coloured
clothes whereas children of Nursery class had a fancy dress event where in the
children came dressed as freedom fighters. Teachers explained the importance of
Republic Day and why it is celebrated. Pg, Nursery and Jr.KG section children
did art activity. Children sang patriotic songs Later they
had great fun dancing to the tunes of the patriotic songs.

Closing Ceremony Of 'Synergy' The 5th Annual Sports Meet 2015-16
The Annual Sports Meet 2015-2016
International School organised a grand closing ceremony of 'Synergy' The Annual
Sports Meet 2015-2016 on 26 January, 2016. Its objective was to develop sportsman
spirit, comradeship and to
provide a venue to display their physical
prowess. The progamme commenced with the Flag Hoisting Ceremony on the occasion
of Republic Day. The
Chief Guests for the day were Mr. Nikhil Doru, Ranji Cricket Player and Ms.
Leena Sharma. This was
followed by a welcome speech by the Principal Ms. Shubha Govil and felicitation
of our eminent guests.
The programme began with the energetic March
Past followed by the inspection of the four houses by the Chief Guests. The children and parents of Grade -I
enjoyed Parent-Child Races followed by the Relay Races of students from Grade
III-VIII. In continuation of the programme, energetic Calisthenics exercises by
Grade VII and VIII were presented. In the age when the child learns to walk
Wittians of Jr.KG and Sr.KG mesemerized the audience with the heart winning
Skating Drill. A spectacular “Circus
Drill” was presented by the students of Grade- II, giving the message that the
use of animals in circus should be banned and the talent and art of people
should be promoted.
The bevy of events for the day included dynamic
Yoga Drill, zealous Zumba and Aerobics.
The proud winners of the various house wise activities organized
throughout the year were honored with the Rolling Trophy by the dignitaries.
Topaz House was the proud House to win the Rolling Trophy and the Runner Up
House was Ruby House.