Witty World

Friday, September 28, 2018

Rhyme Enactment " Five little Monkeys" by Nursery Section at Witty World Bangur Nagar (2018-2019)

5 little Monkeys jumping on the bed,
1 fell down and broke his head,
Mamma called the doctor,

Doctor said “No more monkeys jumping on the bed”.

Little Wittians of Nursery section enacted the rhyme “Five Little Monkeys” on Wednesday, 26thSeptember 2018. Parent’s efforts were visible as some children came dressed in characters as per the rhyme  Monkeys, Mamma and a Doctor. 
To bring the rhyme alive set up of the poem was created complete with a bed and telephone! Children dressed as monkeys jumped on the bed and came rolling down. They enjoyed rhyme enactment to the fullest.



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